Esok presentation Community Dietetics Placement.. at last... segalanya akan berakhir.. i really100x hope to get an A for this subject (mintak2 ade lecturer yg bace... ^_^) since other subjects were not that good (I really mean it!)...
For me, the interesting part during the presentation is listening to the pronounciation of english words.. haha... including me... sumtyme due to our so called 'malay tongue' its hard to pronounce some of the words right??... n badly if it happens during the presentation whereby the audience are lecturers, or professors.. its very humiliating!!
Tp i really sensitive and annoyed if students orlecturers tersalah/mmg tak tau/ mmg salah tp tak nak cari yg betul on how to pronounce the basic words... contohnye:
Eight, odour, vitamin (mcm mana sebut perkataan ini??) if tanye kat stp org, mesti byk cara sebutannya..
Kalau perkataan tu quite new and hardly to pronounce, acceptable la kan.. tp kalo simple words pun problem dan buat byk kali (mcm tak de kesedaran sivik utk improve).. uhhh... no comment la... For me, to learn language, its not only you learn through your reading or dictionary.. (kalo stakat utk jawab exam bleh la..) bt at da same time u should learn on how to pronounce it in a correct way..! and im not expecting smpai boleh cakap mcm'mat salleh' tp at least.. sedap telinga mendengar....
I would love people to comment me on my english because in that way I'll learn which part i need to improve.. and i lyke to comment others.. some of them bleh terima.. most of them.... reply me
"Ala... macam la awak/ko tu bagus sgt.."
"Biarla.. ko sebuk tu knape??.."
"Eh.. betul la aku pronounce tu.. lecturer pun ade yg pronounce mcm tu..."
Huhu.. deep down inside my heart says... up to u la my frens..
Looking foward to present my research.. Mohon ALLAH membantu aku dan rakan2 seperjuangan yang lain.. Ameen..
p/s: I learn pronounciation from talking Oxford dictionary (English UK and US)
'To serve the ummah for betterment'
Esok presentation Community Dietetics Placement.. at last... segalanya akan berakhir.. i really100x hope to get an A for this subject (mintak2 ade lecturer yg bace... ^_^) since other subjects were not that good (I really mean it!)...
For me, the interesting part during the presentation is listening to the pronounciation of english words.. haha... including me... sumtyme due to our so called 'malay tongue' its hard to pronounce some of the words right??... n badly if it happens during the presentation whereby the audience are lecturers, or professors.. its very humiliating!!
Tp i really sensitive and annoyed if students or
Eight, odour, vitamin (mcm mana sebut perkataan ini??) if tanye kat stp org, mesti byk cara sebutannya..
Kalau perkataan tu quite new and hardly to pronounce, acceptable la kan.. tp kalo simple words pun problem dan buat byk kali (mcm tak de kesedaran sivik utk improve).. uhhh... no comment la... For me, to learn language, its not only you learn through your reading or dictionary.. (kalo stakat utk jawab exam bleh la..) bt at da same time u should learn on how to pronounce it in a correct way..! and im not expecting smpai boleh cakap mcm
I would love people to comment me on my english because in that way I'll learn which part i need to improve.. and i lyke to comment others.. some of them bleh terima.. most of them.... reply me
"Ala... macam la awak/ko tu bagus sgt.."
"Biarla.. ko sebuk tu knape??.."
"Eh.. betul la aku pronounce tu.. lecturer pun ade yg pronounce mcm tu..."
Huhu.. deep down inside my heart says... up to u la my frens..
Looking foward to present my research.. Mohon ALLAH membantu aku dan rakan2 seperjuangan yang lain.. Ameen..
p/s: I learn pronounciation from talking Oxford dictionary (English UK and US)
'To serve the ummah for betterment'