1. Today I only come for my case presentation. I was not very confident with my management.. Since the case was not really mine at the first place.. huhu... However, I managed to present the case well (I guess). Though I were asked with a few unexpected questions from the dietitians (standard la tu.. org tanya means they are interested to know kan?? hee~), I still able to answer it.. So, it was a pretty good ending for me la..
2. Having a sharing moment with our beloved H.O.D selama almost 1 hours. I think, previous students did not get the chance like us. Though it was a bit lenghty (sampai E dan H pun resah, haha..) but for me, bukan senang nak dapat peluang macam ni.. Especially bila HOD sanggup luangkan masa dengan students walaupun dia busy dengan kerja-kerja lain.. Bukan senang tau!. The contents tu tak boleh la nak revealkan.. Biarlah menjadi memori among us jer la yekk!..
3. Our HOD bagi chocolate to us.. wee~... Actually dia baru balik dari oversea.. Tak sangka ada gak rezeki kami.. =)
4. I did learn a lot from the practical.. seriously. Walaupun pd awalnya my decision to change to PPUM (from HKL) dpt tentangan or respon negative daripada sisters kelas aku.. But it doesnt affect me much!.. I deserve to choose.. 1st come 1st served. Thats the rule. If ada classmates yg terbaca, sorry yer.
5. PPUM is one of the best teaching institution.
My special thanks to our HOD, Cik Siti Hawa who was very supportive during the practical session.. =)
p/s: Perkataan yang tidak boleh dilupakan ialah 'tembak'.. ahahaha!
Hey hey hey... Even though the sharing moment session was quite lengthy, but I did lend my ears to her ok. [bkn masuk kiri kluar kanan eh..haha] Byk kot ilmu yg dpt (^_^)
Apa pn dat session was better than the previous coz she did staring at me.
p/s: Makanan depan mata, xtergoda iman time tu...haha
awww awwww...no wonder la sanggup meluangkan masa selama 1hr....maseh cik lagi korg nye HOD ni..hahha!
Hey..... selamber je eh ckp cam tu... Report kang. Tembak2... =P
to epah: congrates to u coz lastly u managed to get her attention.. hahaha.. Now u know how I feel.. =p
to budak chOmel: amboii...! slumberrr jerr.. she is like an angle k.. sangat baik but very tegas and professional.. =)
to epah: fire in the hole!.. need back up.. =p
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