Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Haisshh!... dah hampir complete 1 sem for final year.. terasa mcm baru smlm start praktikel.. Apa yg aku belajar?? haha....

Lots of things yg masih belum sempat aku buat..

1. FYP - data collection till conclusion
2. Report - Written report, and presentation...
3. KDBM - Find a new mentor and resign...
4. HEALSCARE team - fully handover to new P.I.C
5. Settle my clinical placement for next semester.. (since i was rejected from HSA)
6. IDA - Greet personally for each batches ( 1 - 3rd year).. Sempat ke??
7. etc.

Huhhh!... tu baru pasal society.. my own target pon masih tak tercapai...
Harap dapat settle everything before i finish this semester..