Kenapa skema? Not me.
1. "Dari dulu lagi dah macam tu.. susah nak ubah.." _this is SKEMA!!!
I used to hear this reason in societies... Please la. Be different k!
2. "Sistem kita memang dah macam tu.." this is SKEMA!!!
Kalo sistem tu menyusahkan, kenapa masih nak ikut??
3. "Ko ni skema lah.." "Dia tu budak-budak skem"..
on what basis they claimed u so? please ask..!
4. Pergi kerja buat benda yang sama.. this is SKEMA!!!
Cari kelainan when you work k.
p/s: Not being SKEMA does not mean u have to break the rules. Just THINK!!
1. "Dari dulu lagi dah macam tu.. susah nak ubah.." _this is SKEMA!!!
I used to hear this reason in societies... Please la. Be different k!
2. "Sistem kita memang dah macam tu.." this is SKEMA!!!
Kalo sistem tu menyusahkan, kenapa masih nak ikut??
3. "Ko ni skema lah.." "Dia tu budak-budak skem"..
on what basis they claimed u so? please ask..!
4. Pergi kerja buat benda yang sama.. this is SKEMA!!!
Cari kelainan when you work k.
p/s: Not being SKEMA does not mean u have to break the rules. Just THINK!!
betul sangat. argument is there.
X faham...hahaha
[skema sgt ke aku ni?] tny dri sndri
to chanz:
hehe... byk sgt org yg 'menurut perintah'.. huu
to 3p4h:
eh.. terasa ker?? =p
I put myself into ur shoes lor.. haha
to 3p4h: aiyyoo.. no need lorr.. my shoes cant fit urs leh... =p
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