Sunday, August 30, 2009

Merdeka! with EDD

"Yeahhhh!! Esok merdeka..!"

Masuk tahun ni, dah 2* tahun aku smbut merdeka di Malaysia.. Setiap tahun, prayaan yg sama, sambutan yg sama, hasil yg sama..

Tapi kali ni, aku merdeka dgn keadaan yg berbeda.. mungkin kerana umur yg semakin 'muda'.. opss, aku budak lagi ok!.. hehe... Kali ini, merdeka aku dipenuhi dengan elemen-elemen emosi yg unexpected..! so called EMOTIONAL DISORIENTED DISORDER (EDD).. kadang2 tergelak bila fikir2 semula, tapi...

Exeperience is the best teacher..

by reminiscing da tyme we spent together, all da probs seems to fly away from my thinking box.. not to forget da tyme we had during da matrix level.. but things get complicated as da time passed by.. urmmm.. shud i make da first move to settle down all da scuffles?? huh..

forget it..!

Hopefully da fragments of emotions and frenshipness can be hold back as before.. we all love peace.. and of course me too..! Thanks to those who purposely involved in my matters till da things almost get cleared up..

Okey, fill in ur heart wit da sense of belonging to our country n nation.. And da most important thing,

Upgrade our IMAN.. Enhance our AMAL...


scOotBerry said...

selamat hari merdeka!!srOnOk ke smbut d kuantan~? lalalala~

3p4h said...


I think im reading a diary soon... Where? here... He5..

Keep it up bro~

Mohd. Ramadan Bin Ab.Hamid said...

to intan:
kah100x... sronok sgt.. 'aman dan damai abadi..'

to 3p4h:
haha... diary or not.. i juz express my feelings.. sumtyme my thoughts.. but still i keep sumthin for myself k.. hihi.. :)